
For over 20 years, we have designed educational programs about well-being promotion, healthy lifestyles and prevention of high-risk behaviors for healthcare workers, educators, social workers, psychologies and physicians, and well as for anyone involved in educating or looking after others as teachers, parents, or caregivers.

All of our educational programs are developed together with our clients and tailored to their targets and project goals. In conducting our training sessions, we use active learning methods based on working in small groups, direct involvement of all participants, and leveraging their prior experience and skills.

We dedicate the utmost attention to working together with the client to determine each educational program’s goals and acquiring the tools and knowledge that can be put to concrete use in program attendees’ everyday life at the workplace and elsewhere. Upon completion, each program’s outcomes are assessed using methods appropriate to its goals.

Thanks to a longstanding network of professional associates, we can offer a full training service which in addition to teaching includes analyzing needs, developing course content, preparing print and audiovisual teaching materials, and handling all organizational and logistic aspects.

Focus areas:

  • Relational aspects: parenting, team building, caregiving …
  • Preventing high-risk behaviors among adolescents: alcohol and substance abuse, media, bullying, social withdrawal, sexuality, life skills…
  • Promoting active ageing
  • Promoting active organizations
  • Effective communication: conflict management, emotional training …
  • Teaching methods and tools (peer education, media education…)
  • Participatory methods (world cafè, nominal group, process…)

I nostri progetti di formazione

Genitori zero-sei (Parents 0-6)

Positive parenting programme designed to promote parental wellbeing and to create a support network around families with children aged 0-6 years in need of financial assistance. Eclectica is carrying out the meeting about parents-children relationship. Promoted by: Local Health Unit, Department of Prevention – S.S.D. Epidemiology and Health Education, Ufficio Pio – Compagnia di San Paolo; UPM (Ufficio Pastorale Migranti). 


Diary of Health

Pre-adolescents wellbeing promotion – Third Edition

National program aimed at promoting psycho-emotional wellbeing of pre-adolescents. The activities are targeted to seventh grade students, teachers and parents.

Eclectica has been provided methodological support to national and regional group activities and organises training courses for health professionals and teachers. Moreover, Eclectica is in charge of evaluating, supervising and monitoring the entire process.


Tutoring in peer education projects

methodological support to social-health workers of ASL TO2 who work in the peer education projects in schools. ASL TO2 Ser.T


Advanced training course aimed at decision makers, planners and technical managers of road safety interventions.

Course for road safety operators – Training for municipal technicians, policy makers and traffic police on road safety management.

Comune di Pomezia


Decision-makers and technicians, road safety actors: training and update course

Course for road safety operators: municipal technicians, policy makers and traffic police on road safety management. Comuni di Bra, Canale e Unione dei Comuni delle Langhe


Social Service promotes Health and Participation

Tutoring training course with the aim of supporting the local work group (educatoris, social orkers, psychologists, etc.), in promoting partecipatory projects and working methods, using monitorign and evaluation tools in their daily work. Consorzio Socio Assistenziale CN2 Bra


The Needs of Parents to improve relationship between parents and preteen/adolescent children

Cycle of parenting meetings aimet at promoting the relational well-being of pre-adolescent/adolescent parents-children. Comune di Cuneo


The Social Meanings of Alcohol – Tradition and Changes

Two-day training course aimed at private social workers who work in entertainment venues and drop-ins. Topics addressed: drinking cultures, drinking socialization process, binge drinking, female frinking, new addiction and the role of stakeholders in definin drug policies. Cooperativa Lotta alla Droga


Training Course “Programma regionale di formazione in promozione ed educazione alla salute” of the Sicily Region.

Definition of contents and teaching for the module on partecipatory planning, health policies, research methodologies and participation techniques. CEFPAS Centro per la formazione permanente e l’aggiornamento del personal sanitario della Regione Sicilia


The risk in adolescence: identify it, know it, prevent it.

Peer education project with the aim of promoting the participation and protagonism of young people (active citizenship) in the design and implementation of preventive actions for the protection of sexual health and prevention of the use and abuse of psychoactive substances while driving both in schools and at local community level. Beneficiary: secondary school students of the school of Ivrea, Chivasso and Ciriè (TO). ASL TO4


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