
For over 20 years, Eclectica has carried out research on lifestyles and high-risk behaviors at the local and international level.

Depending on our research objectives, we employ a variety of methods, including in-depth interviews, in-person and online focus groups, participant observation, online and offline surveys, photovoice, analysis of forums and other web content, regulatory analysis, advertising and communication studies, and secondary data analysis.

Action research is a frequently used approach, as it enables our researchers to work side by side with the people who are directly involved in planning and developing social policies and measures.

One of our prime areas of interest is behavior that can lead to addiction, such as alcohol and drug consumption or gambling. In this area, Eclectica has a prominent role both in Italy and internationally, thanks in no small measure to our participation in such consolidated European networks as the Kettil Bruun Society, the EMDASS (European Master in Drugs and Alcohol Studies) program, and CEAG, the University of Helsinki Centre for Research on Addiction, Control and Governance.

Focus areas:

  • Alcohol: drinking styles and cultures, marketing, policies, prevention, treatment, alcohol-related problems
  • Drugs: consumption, market, prevention, control policies, online forums, the dark net, penal system
  • Gambling: gambling careers, regulations, economy
  • Eating disorders: young people’s representations
  • Hikikomori: prevalence and representations
  • Road safety: driver behavior, preventive measures
  • Health policies: prevention and health promotion, behaviors and lifestyles, participatory planning
  • Social health promotion campaigns and initiatives: approval ratings and effectiveness.

I nostri progetti di ricerca

La salute di tutti. Survey on the perceptions and health needs of the citizens of Circoscrizione 5 of Turin

Quali-quantitative research on perceptions and representations of citizens related to health. Design and dissemination of self-administered questionnaires, creation of focus groups, data analysis and report writing. Commissione Europea – Programma Urbal – Città di Torino


Communication and prevention: guidelines for messages on the prevention of pathologies related to lifestyles aimed at young people

Qualitative research aimed at evaluating the impact of some social advertisements aimed at the youth universe for the prevention of pathologies related to lifestyles and risky behaviors. Creation of focus groups, data analysis and report writing. Regione Piemonte


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